

My digital space where I share my thoughts, stories, and ideas.


  • Acquired the domain shubhamgulati.com in 2015.
  • Built the v1 in 2015 using HTML CSS and deployed on GitHub Pages.
  • Built the v2 in 2016 using Wordpress and a template from Pipdig and deployed on GCP.
  • Built the v3 in 2018 using Wordpress and a template from StudioPress and deployed on AWS.
  • Built the v4 in 2021 using Nextjs 12 inspired from Lee Rob’s personal website and deployed on Vercel.
  • Built the v5 using shadcn/ui and Next.js 13 in 2023 and deployed on Vercel.
  • Built the v6 using RadixUI Themes and Next.js 14 in 2023 and deployed on Vercel.
  • Built the v7 using RadixUI Themes and Next.js 14 in 2024 and deployed on GitHub Pages with a automated CI/CD pipeline to typecheck, lint, format, and deploy.


  • Replace Next.js either with Remix Run or Astro.js.
  • This is a static website that doesn’t really need a client library to render. Maybe Astro.js is the answer for next year.
© 2024 Shubham Gulati. All rights reserved.